
Nursing Recruitment Action Plan

Page history last edited by mfinch 16 years, 3 months ago

Nursing Recruitment Action Plan

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Click here for the Nursing Recruitment Action Plan, 2nd phase 



Nursing Recruitment





Strategies & Action Steps



Action Team


® = responsible for convening team




Next Steps



Timeframe for Action






A.    Outreach / Engaging with High School Students











Outreach / Engaging with High School Students











§  Talk to a H/S class about nursing - There is a class run by Three Rivers Hosp. in Grants Pass on Health Care opportunities - need someone to give positive presentation to group on nursing.



Linda Lamarreau









§  Tell a life story how nursing career has changed your life for the better - tell to high risk teens (because you were one) economic stability; personal rewards; nice care/home, meet people, learn and grow multi-dimensional.



Linda Siegel, RN









§  School Jr-High/High be a guest speaker at local schools/nation-side - Auditoriums for classrooms



Dennis Dale



















§  Start an OJT program at H/S level - CNA--> CMA-> RN Provide on the job training at some pay financed by community involvement.


§  Develop nurse internships in multiple nursing employment settings. Find resources to pay mentors.


§  Junior volunteer program at hospitals with client contact.







Dennis Dale

























§  Need a mentor program - strictly voluntary, pay incentive for mentor, both work together - will vary with time and vary with job and individual



Dennis Dale









§  Develop summer camps opportunities for health careers - Partner RCC health care agencies, OHSU/SOU, AHEC, (MASH Program already happening) -.



Joanne Noone









§  Partner with community agencies - diversity to recruit students from diverse backgrounds into nursing



Joanne Noone









§  Partner HS with SOU & RCC to develop and design 2+2 curriculum for health careers or CNA program



Joanne Noone









§  K-12 education action: have school nurse in every school




§  RNs in direct contact with students (RN position in schools) and vocational information




Nancy Malone: 951-3234






















































Outreach / Engaging Current Healthcare or Other Workers
































































Media / Public Outreach











§  Ask newspaper to do article on area nurse who is success



Kathy Finley









§  Significant media event during nurses week highlighting the profession/individuals.






























































Organizing the Nursing Recruitment Work











§  Form a professional nurse coalition to develop a vision and strategic plan to bring young people into the health care field/nursing: - school speakers bureau; nursing career navigators for career counseling; support groups for new nursing students; community education/legislators, etc.



JoLynn Wallace









§  Create a community based nurse navigator system.
























Group members


  • Dennis Dale
  • Kathy Finley
  • Linda Lamarreau
  • Nancy Malone (541) 951-3234
  • Joanne Noone
  • Linda Siegel, RN 
  • JoLynn Wallace





When should we meet?

Who When I can meet
Dennis Dale  
Kathy Findley  
Linda Lamarreau  
Nancy Malone  
Joanne Noone



Linda Siegel



JoLynn Wallace  



Keep your drafts here so you can refer to earlier versions.


Notes on Recruitment



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